Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week in pictures.....random style

Lex is looking so grown up in this 3rd grade picture.
The lil love, along with her mom, left yesterday for a new life adventure in Mississippi.
I can't help but be sad about it even though it is a positive move.
Thank goodness for technology to keep her cute face updated on my computer :)

I think it's about time that I make him a barber appointment.
I'm pretty sure I heard him scream "WILSON!!"

The rule was that he could have one as big as he could lift.
Punkins are surprisingly heavy!
We wore him out by making him carry the damn thing as he followed us around the field. 
Isn't that what kids are for?
To humiliate and piss off?
That's my secret to good parenting.
I should get an award any day now.

A piece of mud pie had no chance against these heathens!
It was devoured in record time!

Randy welcomed his month old great-niece, Gentry.
[Sierra's baby]
You know you're an old fart when you start having 'greats'.

She's very tired from all the eating, walking in circles, and obsessively looking for me throughout the house.


Anonymous said...

My house and heart feel very empty today. Lexi has lived here with us off and on all of her life. My hope and wish is for Katie,Lex,Kenneth and Scarlett to have the life they deserve. That would make their absence worth it.


Chelise said...

I second Momma.....

Loved these random pics and I singing that crazy new song during reading your title "gandum sigh" or however you say the damn name of that song!

Try it! You'll see it fits nicely :)

paula said...

Been thinking a lot about Katie and her lil family.....I hope they flourish out there. I agree with Auntie E too :)

Anonymous said...

I love the other pictures too. Is that pic of Daisy taken after one of her wine parties?


Amie said...

Your parenting skill are top notch! Couldn't agree with you more! Love the randomness! T-90 minutes to boarding!