Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Things that rock my world

My new crave is Mamma Chia.
It has many health benefits and strangely addictive flavors.
I usually am a bit of a texture wuss, but there is something different about the gelatinous, tapioca type, frog eyeballs around the Chia seed that makes me pine for the feeling of it hitting my throat.

It is expensive....anywhere from $2.50-$3.50 a bottle, but I think it's totally worth the money spent!!!
You get a lot for your buck!
In fact, if you look at my upper lip you can see the start of a ChiaPet growing!



Anonymous said...

Kinda looks like strawberry jam...where do you find this stuff? If it makes you feel better I'm all for it.


paula said...

Just looking at this texture in the picture makes me gag.....I AM NOT KIDDING! I'm not totally opposed without trying it but what is so great about it?

Amie said...

I believe I just puked a lil in my mouth!!!! I remember the day when you first bought this , fountain of youth, energy boosting, softer skin, save the planet, hug a tree, world peace hippy drink.

Jolie said...

lol! Amie didn't enjoy the texture and taste like I did!!! [whimp!] But I've had it a few times since and crave it now! Riv loves it too.

Chia seed is high in omega3, protein, fiber and calcium. Supposed to give you a shitload of energy. It took me a bit to get used to the texture and now that's one of the things I like about it.

It looks like strawberry jam but tastes nothing like it because of the frog eyes around the seed.

I bought one the other day that is a different brand and it was naturally fermented and warned of natural percentages of alcohol in the drink! It wasn't very good....I would stick with the Momma Chia stuff if youre gonna spend the $$