Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't make me put a cap in yo mommas ass!!!!

Riv's first annual Halloween garage party was on Friday night.

Riv was "pimp daddy of the misfits", and had a great time hosting the freak night of teen excitement.

I don't know that it differs much from any other night of the year, since I see a lot of these same kids hanging around my kitchen daily.
[hanging around the pantry and counting on 'Riv's mom' to take the hint and make them something to munch on]

They said 25 invites were given out, and I was a bit overwhelmed by thinking of having so many hormonal teens on my watchclock.  Fortunately, there were only half that actually showed up.  I was relieved by the containable number of head count. 
Remember lil Mikayla (on the right)  from our old hood???  
She's back in town and boy do I love that girl!!!!

Trust me!  I've told Darius to keep that damn tongue in his mouth.
I think he's part canine and can't control the panting.

That's Bubbles on the right for those of you who have heard me talk about her.  
Bubbles' mom almost died from my hands bitch slapping her with a WTF stick!  
I came home from picking up Riv from school, and Bubbles, her sister, and her mom were already in my garage decorating and invading MY HOME!!!!  
We  never had a conversation about her coming over to move in on my territory.  I was in such shock watching her adjust my garage and climb on chairs and tape streamers like the biotch owned the joint!!!  I was frozen.  I couldn't even say anything.  My heart raced from  frustration and pure questioning "Who does she think she is??"  
In my mind I was lifting my right leg and pissing all over her to mark my alpha female scent!

I've got my eye on this mother!!!!! 
And let me tell you, it's a stink eye!

There was strobe light dancing, black light dancing, and flail your arms like an octopus dancing.
At some points it was a typical co-ed party where boys gathered on one side and girls were twitchy and giggling on the other.

There was plenty of  CRAP to eat and drink and rot tooth enamel.

Spin the bottle, and telling secrets of one's personality out side of school, is a learning experience.  It was fairly innocent as far as I could tell.  But my long arm of the law-dog Jax, did come in and say they were playing a game of blow the card to the other person's sucking lips!  I spied on the interaction and lost all concern when I witnessed the dudes embarrassed by the whole thing and the girls scared and shy to get that close to the  boys' pepperoni-testosterone breath.

These kids are on the cusp of stepping onto the road of real life.
Real life happens soon enough.
For now, their dorkiness and child-like play is welcomed and encouraged in my home.
It's the only way I know to keep them in a bubble until the world comes with a big fat needle and pops it! 

[I'd like to put a dirty needle in  Bubble's mom's ASS!!!!  ARGH!]


Amie said...

That was so much fun watching the kiddo's. Hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

What great memories you are giving these kids. I still remember my 7th grade Halloween party. Wanting to dance with the boy I had the hots for, playing spin the bottle.
Your boys are in their awkward years...enjoy.


Lynsie said...

Oh my hell, I have missed your blog!!! I need to check in here daily for a good dose of Jolie humor. I love you lady!