Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I've hired a wine-o to decorate my home

Luckily, my kids like the food.

YIKES!!  They better not take this sign seriously!
One wine-o in this house is enough!
I know it's not nice to talk about Daisy like that....
but she's passed out right now with the scent of pinot noir on her breath and doesn't even know the difference.


Anonymous said...

Everything tastes better with wine. I saw an ad for a new beer that is made for dogs, but Miss Daisy is more of a wino.
Great signage.


paula said...

LMAO! Too funny! Unless people have met Daisy they think you're kidding don't they? Although I think it's a little more appropriate to say that she's a pill popper!

Amie said...

David Frizzell sings a song called "I'm going to hire a wino". can replace the dinning room table with a bar, put sawdust on the floor. Serve hard boiled eggs and pretzel and you won't have to cook no more. Make sure and put a neon sign pointing to the bathroom down the hall. Oh and don't forget to install a payphone. We can work on redecorating when I come!!!!

Amie said...
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Amie said...

I have tried emailing you so that I can follow your bloggie but for some reason my computer won't give me access.