Saturday, October 6, 2012

Real men wear flip flops to work construction

At this very moment, I am watching dudes lay my cement IN FLIP FLOPS!!!

How does that saying go?
You can take the man out of Tonga but you can't take the Tonga from between his toes?

Randy said they have done the entire job in flip flops which includes using a very large, sharp pick to break up ground.  It's all fun and games until a Tongan loses a big toe!
I can tell you right now, I don't want a Tongan big toe memorialized in my stamped cement!
They are lucky we don't enforce Union policies on our workers.....that's all I have to say.


Amie said...

Yay! Our patio is coming together! Thank God for flip flopped Tongan's!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we wear flip flops to do everything too. It's a hot weather thing. BUT....when it comes to doing cement work, socks with floppy flops are a must!


Anonymous said...

Hey, we wear flip flops to do everything too. It's a hot weather thing. BUT....when it comes to doing cement work, socks with floppy flops are a must!


paula said...

When Zoe was here last weekend she came upstairs wearing flip flops WITH SOCKS! Justin laughed at her and told her she was wearing "Tongan workboots." I guess he knew what he was talking about......they probably wear socks with them in the winter.

carol said...

Nice firm legs though [when you live at Glencroft [retirement center you notice such things]