Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No fear

Jax had his graduation from treatment.
It was an emotional week for our family and the staff of the facility.
Jax had been there for over six months and we all have puzzled our lives to become a tight knit circle around this unique 12 year old.

Jax was given a weeks worth of special 'going away' moments spotlighting him.
He received many heartfelt cards and tears were shed with his anticipated absence.
Jax's humor and personality will undoubtedly be missed, but his progress in life is positive and hopeful in the views of his counselors. 

Randy and I acknowledged Jax's hard work by gifting him a new racer bike.
This kid is a biking fool!
He does wear a helmet but still scares the livin' shit out of me as I witness him doing a good 50 mph down a steep hill.
He is fearless. 
I probably carry enough fear for the both of us.
But that is my take my fear and keep it for myself.  
Fear is stagnant.
I vow to push life's energy toward Jax's wings to soar higher, and faster, and magnificently glorious.
Life is too short to be fearful stagnant.


Anonymous said...

That bike rocks. Jax can now fly up and down those hills. Does it glow in the dark....


carol said...

Well this is my second attempt so hope it works.
What a happy joyful week for you guys. ALso mixed with a little sadness which is what life is all about. You and Randy can take a lot of credit for your endurance
and care.Many prayers and positive thoughts have also gone your way.

paula said...

Congratulations DeVries! I hope the sun continues to shine.......

Amie said...

We are extremely proud of Jax! I even got a little teary eyed reading this blog. He looks like and has the build to be a biker. Love you, buddy! Keep up the good work!