Friday, October 5, 2012


Jax had a moment of frustration toward Riv.
Instead of using his anger to fuel him, he took a deep breath, walked to the garage, and wrote positive affirmations on a scrap piece of paper.

Learning the skill of dowsing an inner fire before it
turns into an inferno = a happy un-charred life.


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures. I love his affirmations, needs to add...and people like me!!


Amie said...

Way to use your tools, Jax! You are growing up..... older brothers suck sometimes just ask Jax!
Love ya buddy!

carol said...

Jax is an inspiration to me!I love
how he's maturing and learning how to handle is frustrations
This is one happy Grandma.

carol said...

Jax is an inspiration to me!I love
how he's maturing and learning how to handle is frustrations
This is one happy Grandma.

lisa_sims said...

Great job! I am very proud of him. I am going to try that for myself next time I am frustrated!