Friday, October 5, 2012

Ancient friendships

I received a surprise on my doorstep.
Don'tcha just love doorstep boxed surprises?!?!?
I know I do!

Awaiting me was a doorstep gift that came all the way across state lines from Grand Junction, Colorado.
Right away I recognized the handwriting on the address label.
I couldn't get that US Postal Mail box from Amie opened fast enough to see what was lurking inside!!!
[Admittedly, I was a bit skid-dish when opening the package.  I was prepared for something like a snake in a can to pop out at me on a boiiiiing spring because Amie has that kind of devilish humor!]

Surrounded by newspaper cushion sat this earthy pottery made, anciently beautiful 'circle of friends' candle holder.

This little memento of love and friendship has me feeling so very special.

I love you Amie.
May we dance in drunkin circles together until we are dizzy with laughter.  
We make great historical stories together!


Amie said...

Awww! I love you bestie. Our bond will only grow stronger as well as our tolerence to alcohol! Miss you!!

Amie said...
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Amie said...

P.S. our friendship may be "ancient" but thank gawd we don't look it!

carol said...

Nice to see a picture of your family, Amie. Randy and your hubby gave me a few gray hairs! I especially remember one incident involving BB guns, Jack and I did'nt learn about it till much
What would we do without good friends who love us in spite of our
craziness and see only our positive
parts? Carol

paula said...

Wow Amie....I'm impressed by all the neat things you find at the liquor store :)

Amie said...

Paula, as you know our liquor stores are a one stop shop. Thank goodness since I spend all my time there, it doesn't leave much time to shop anywhere else.

Carol, I am sure Reta had a few grey hairs from the boys as well. It's always a good time when we get together and reminisce. Not to many people can boast of a friendship such as ours.