I love tea.
I drink it year round, but I have an extra cup or two in the winter eves.
I believe in the healing power of the tea leaf and enjoy the distinct flavors and natural additions combined to make a tasty 'bag o' love' in my mouth.
I love bags of tea....
NOT being tea bagged!!!!
My favorite brand is Yogi.
I have yet to find a Yogi type that I didn't enjoy.
The added benefit to Yogi teas, are the beautiful mantras that you are presented with at the end of each bagged string.
I find myself looking forward to my 'daily fortune'.
It's amazing how the power of words can change your attitude or your presence in life.
I have another brand that I like to dabble in.
Triple Leaf Tea.
It's flavor is smooth and delightful.
The only thing I thought it was lacking compared to the Yogi brand, was my papered words of encouragement.
The 'Detox' is great after a weekend of over indulgence.
(Offered in Yogi brand too)
This stuff is better than a Tylenol PM with no added side effects.
Randy and I have made a night time ritual of a 'Relaxing' cup of tea before bed.
(also good and avail in Yogi brand)
But my Triple Leaf confidence came to an end today.
After many a night of insomnia,
my body transforming into a midnight sweating inferno,
and add hormonal body aches,
I bought this 'Women's Tonic' tea thinking it would be my cure all to my every womanly ailment!!!
It has DONG QUAI for hell's sakes!!!
(WTF is Dong Quai?!?!?
Is he a brother to Long Duck Dong?)
Is he a brother to Long Duck Dong?)
Let me just tell you that......
I would rather put a shit stick dipped in feathers, and sprinkled with toe jam in my mouth, before I drink another cup of hate like this again!!!!
Damn you Chinese for making me think I can abuse my body and then drink a yummy concoction of herb to heal my
self inflicted punishment.
I no believe your word anymore Sensei.
You betray my trust.
You give me drink in my mouth that taste like turd.
Don't count on me for anymore suckee suckee five buckee !
OHHHHHH! who am I fooling?
I still suckee suckee for five buckee but NOT for Don Quai.
He no help me and he got a nasty taste.
Ancient Chinese Caca PooPoo!
Oh my hell Jolie, this post made me laugh out loud....you are SO funny!
I just sprayed my coffee all over my freshly dry-cleaned bed spread!! Holy hell you are one funny chika! And you inspired me to start drinking tea again. :)
Jolie! I am freaking LMFAO right now!! So glad I wasn't drinking any of our Yogi Love, Cause I woulda spit that shit all over the place!! You very funny Lady!
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