Thursday, December 8, 2011

What a shocker!!!!

After asking how school was today, Jax proceeded to actually tell me something that he learned!!!!
I'm sure that most of you realize that when your children decide to share their day's education with you, it is quite the phenomena!!!
You STOP what you are doing, open your eyes widely and put on your attentive listening ears!
This shit only happens once in a........NEVER!!!

Jax said that he learned which finger is the longest on your hand.
I'm like, 
"are you kidding me? 
 that is what you learned?!?!? 
 doesn't everybody know its the birdie finger!!?! 
 really now!  who doesn't know that!"
My frustration level was starting to excel since I truly DID drop everything, and this is the kind of crappy education info I'm getting?
Then Jax says, 
"nope!  it's not the birdie finger.  want to guess again?"
His statement made me seriously look down at my hand, and re-evaluate the length of my fingers....
like a total dumb-ass.
[did you just do it too?!?!?]

It was around this point that he couldn't hold back the giggles anymore.  With a shit eatin grin, he held up his hand for me to see which finger was the longest on HIS hand.

I couldn't help but laugh til I was in tears.
The looks of this prosthetic is so funny....
for many reasons.
His inventive witty humor is reason number one.
AND reason number two is ..........
well, let's just say that Jax has NO idea what the "shocker" is,!!

Washing my eyes with turpentine, repeating to myself:
go to a happy place
go to a happy place
go to a happy place

1 comment:

paula said...

bwahh ha ha ha .....LMAO about this one!