Friday, January 20, 2012

Oink, oink

I was having severe leg cramps while on the Synthroid medication.
I couldn't rest due to the fact that I was continually sitting straight up in the "sleeping hours", having to rock back and forth in pain until the continual charlie horses up and down my legs would subside.
Charlie and his horses were kind enough to give me 3-5 minute intervals of relief before another spasm would have me in tears.
After much frustration and feeling like I had ran an uphill marathon every night, I told my doctor that we might need to re-evaluate the Synthroid.
She immediately made me stop taking it and I was off of any medication for four days to see if the cramps were from the medication or stemmed from just having chicken legs.
The cramps greatly decreased.

I am now on Armour, which is not a synthetic hormone, but a natural thyroid hormone from a PIG!
The leg cramps came back [with less intensity], but the way I feel balanced in every other way has kept me taking my daily oinker pill.
Yes, I do have bouts of snorting and yelling
soooooweeee spontaneously.
Do you think it is concerning that my nose is turning up and
my big toe is now a hoof?

After Googling [I'm a Google queen] a supplement that could help with the symptoms, I found that Magnesium is the best natural support that controls the muscle tension.
[helps with restless leg and fibromyalgia too....
at least that's what Mr. Google says]
AND the other great side effect is that my plumbing has never been so regular.
This might be a little lot more info then what you asked for, but for some, it might be exactly what your colon doctor ordered!!!

Miss Piggy

OMG!!  Am I losing it???
People!  Be honest...
Have I done a post like this before regarding pig hormones and me turning into a sow??
I have either lost some valuable memory, 
or this post is a major deja vu moment for me.
God!  I don't want to be 'that person' that repeats shit
over and over and over.
Unfortunately.....I think that I am already 'that person' but I'm not sure 
Very weird either way.
Sometimes I scare myself!


paula said...

I don't think you're repeating yourself with this post. Glad you found something that helps a little with the leg cramps. oink oink

Anonymous said...

If uou start rolling around in the mudd then we will know there is a problem. If you are sexually attracted to a green frog named Kermit,we know there is a problem.


Jolie said...

no....i'm not attracted to small frogs...i go more for the 'big birds' LOl

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I forgot about your Big Bird fetish!!