42 days after I received the keys to my flipper house, I put it on the market for sale.
In less than 24 hours after the sale signs were placed, I had a solid offer and was under contract!!!!
There were 9 showings in the first day.
I'm still in shock.
We close on August 22.
The couple that bought it are empty nesters, and wanted to downsize from their previous large family home.
I personally walked the lady through the home and told her of every bit of work and remodel.
She was full of enthusiasm and said it was exactly what they have been looking for in their 3 month search.
There were a few other prospective buyers that I met, who would have been exactly what I had envisioned living in the house......young families starting out.
I was left having to tell them it was under contract and see the disappointment in their faces....especially that of one young woman's. I could tell that she had already planned where all of her furniture and decorations would go :(
The interest and quick sale of this flipper, has given me the confidence I need to venture into another one ASAP!
Below are the before and afters.
I get chills of pride when I see what I have accomplished in a short amount of time.
It's ok to pat yourself on the back isn't it????
Well, that is unless you do it so often your arm snaps off.
My arm may be hinging only by a thread at this point before it snaps ::)
[my picasa photo album is on the blink so some pics say before and after and some of my pics even got erased by the photo ghost! I trust that you are smart enough to distinguish the before and after pics on your own]
As an added bonus picture, I will show you what I put on the front lawn with a free sign for someone to take and relieve me of another trip to the dump.
These items literally lasted 1 1/2 minutes.
The first people to drive by, took them.
[In case you were wondering.........
YES, I made a VERY NICE profit.
Shit.....my arm is now completely broke off from all the back patting!]
HOLY SHIZZZZ, that bathroom?!?! Are you kidding me?! You are AMAZING woman!!!! I seriously have tears in my eyes, I am so happy for you! You are truly inspirational! Can't wait to see the next one, and the next, and the next......
Jolie you did it again! SO proud of you .Pat pat pat pat. Hope to see you soon. m-i-l
Congrats on a job well done. If you build it, they will come... And buy it!
It turned out AMAZING! Good Job girl. I'm glad it went smooth and quick.
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