Monday, April 8, 2013

Marshmallows and muck boots!

Our back yard is still in progress....ARGH!!!!!
Randy and I like to bust shit out and get it done since we can not handle waiting for our gratification.
BUT, this back yard has been quite the challenge to our patience since we made the mature decision to only continue with the finish as we save cash in hand to pay for it [what cash? ha! people have cash?] which is exactly why its been a mud pit for a year and a half!
It was priority to fence the entire thing within weeks of moving in, 
[for privacy and dog whoring around purposes.]  
which was a good chunk a change!
We poured all of our cement last summer 
[remember the Tongans in their flip flops?].
We also planted a large investment of trees and installed the sprinkling system in the fall.
Over Easter weekend, Randy leveled out a truckload of topsoil with a bobcat and made a secluded 'nook' with a boulder retaining wall that will have seating around a wood fire pit.

We scraped our last lil bit of funds together to purchase our outdoor gas fireplace and octagon gazebo that will give coverage from mother nature.
It [the fire pit] will be built, delivered and set in place in about a week.
[the above picture is the rock that we picked out to skirt the bottom of the fire place.]
I CAN NOT wait to have my peeps over and say, 
"Pull up a chair and enjoy the fire!"
I just hope they don't look beyond the cement and gazebo!  We may be in a mud pit for another year considering that I chose not to blow my wad on sod.
[There's your Dr. Seuss for the day]
My backyard theme:
"Marshmallows and  muck boots "


Anonymous said...

Sounds beautiful. Can't wait for the summer BBQ


Anonymous said...

Cannot wait! Now please? Who cares if the rest is a mud bog?


Amie said...

I can harldy wait for this "oasis" to finally take shape. I get so excited just thinking about that I sort pee a lil in my panties!