Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The amazing spiderboy

Jax has been trying to master his "buildering" skills.
Buildering is the sport of climbing buildings and other man-made structures.
I can't hardly watch him because I see all of the mishaps that could happen.
[btw: this structure is minimal in comparison to other buildings he's scaled]
Hasn't this kid given me enough heart palpitations throughout his life???


Maybe he will find a magic bean that will grow a stalk to the heavens where he can climb to meet the jolly green giant, and the giant will grant him three special wishes.  
I can only imagine Jax's wish requests:
1~to be able to dance like Usher
2~to have suction cups on his hands and feet
3~to have body hair that stays attached to his body, and doesn't shed in every bathroom

Oh, sorry.....the third one was my wish.

[Jax also tried to climb our garage door and left his foot indentations in the metal panels.
eh, it's only a $5000 repair.
Randy was super stoked to see this climbing experiment that went expensively WRONG!]


Anonymous said...

OMG if I see a news report about this kid that tried to climb to the top of the Temple to kiss Moroni, I'll know just who to call!


paula said...

That picture is bad ass!