Jax has been trying to master his "buildering" skills.
Buildering is the sport of climbing buildings and other man-made structures.
I can't hardly watch him because I see all of the mishaps that could happen.
[btw: this structure is minimal in comparison to other buildings he's scaled]
Hasn't this kid given me enough heart palpitations throughout his life???
Maybe he will find a magic bean that will grow a stalk to the heavens where he can climb to meet the jolly green giant, and the giant will grant him three special wishes.
I can only imagine Jax's wish requests:
1~to be able to dance like Usher
2~to have suction cups on his hands and feet
3~to have body hair that stays attached to his body, and doesn't shed in every bathroom
Oh, sorry.....the third one was my wish.
[Jax also tried to climb our garage door and left his foot indentations in the metal panels.
eh, it's only a $5000 repair.
Randy was super stoked to see this climbing experiment that went expensively WRONG!]
OMG if I see a news report about this kid that tried to climb to the top of the Temple to kiss Moroni, I'll know just who to call!
That picture is bad ass!
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