I got free tickets to the Living Planet Aquarium from my credit union.
The aquarium is moving from the weird, small location in Sandy to a larger, custom built location in Draper.
I couldn't help but feel like these water creature thingies are held hostage in a small cell :(
Kinda made me feel like being an activist for like......a minute. And then I got tired when I thought of how I would have to picket on hot streets with ugly signs and shirts and extreme, weird people :/
I decided right then and there, that I wouldn't be the best activist for this cause.
Jax's highlight of the day, was watching the penguins shoot their poop as they swam in front of the glass.
There always seemed to be a following penguin that swam in the first penguin's cloud of white milky shiz.
Jax was dry heaving at the sight, yet continued to stay hoping for more pooh sightings.
Bodily fluids from any kind of living creature is a 'HELL YEAH' moment for any boy.
They are seriously attracted to shit!!!!
You mother's of boys know what I'm talking about!
Looks like a fun excursion. Will have to take you to our aquarium here. It is done very well and you don't see penguin poop.
Just today Cash and Aiden were enthralled with saying "taking a dump". what is it with boys??
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