Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Up to my eyeballs

I remember early on when we would hit height milestones in the boys' growth.
It's always been amazing for me to watch them sprout up right before my eyes.

At 5 yrs old......
"Look mom!  I come up to your waist!"
a few years later......
"Look mom!  I come up to your shoulder!"
a few years later......
"Look mom!  I am as tall as you!"

Now I hear,
"Look mom!  You come up to my eyeballs!"

How to clear a public restroom

Work has been kicking my ass with 10-14 hour shifts.
You would think with the physical work that I am busting out working like a man, 
I would start gaining muscle and shedding pounds!!!
Oh no!!! 
It doesn't work that way anymore. 
I am over 40.
YAY for me!!!!!!! 

All I can count on these days are backaches, bitchy-ness, exhaustion and giant blood blisters that I call my
"Honey BooBoo's" :(

What I learned about draining a blood blister in a public restroom:  
1~  It's very scary for small children to walk in and see blood squirting from someone's finger.  The child WILL scream!
2~  It looks like you are doing something illegal when the mother of the screaming small child  looks down and sees a needle, a lighter (for sterilizing the needle), and bloody paper towels. 
The mother and child will immediately leave the restrooms!

Required Supply: Designated Driver

A few months ago Amie was telling me about a place in Grand Junction that assists you in painting on canvas and pairs it with wine drinking!
Seriously, why did it take so long for someone to come up with this brilliant idea!?!?  
Hell....why didn't I come up with this great biz plan and get rich and retire by now??
HELLO!!!!!  McFly!!!!! I am really good at drinking wine!
Although I'm not quite the Picasso with a brush stroke....
but have you seen a Picasso????  

Don't even tell me this piece was done sober!
Maybe there is something to this drunk artist thing.I

Anywho.....I was ecstatic to find that we have a Paint Mixer studio here in Utah! 

I would LOOOOOOVE to get a group mixer planned.
[anyone?  anyone?]
It's a good day when you sign up for a class and the only required supply that you have to bring is a designated driver!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Run Forest High Pants!!! RUN!

Our weekly meets with Jax are Sunday afternoons.
He has earned extended hours of off campus family visits within a 15 mile limit.
Every seven days that I see him, he has grown a half an inch.
He walked through the door ecstatic for our visit, with swirled-cowlick-bedhead hair, high water jeans and mismatched noticeable socks below the pant hemline.
Poor kid!  He looked like a homeless ragamuffin!
He doesn't seem to mind though, which totally surprised me since he likes to look a 'certain' way.
"As long as I smell good, the girls still think I'm awesome", he said with a cocky smirk.
Jax is training for a marathon, 
and he is apparently running in those short pants!!
 [I made him demonstrate his form for me.  
I also HAD to see what he looked like with high-knees and flood jeans!  It was a crack up!]
I asked him why he doesn't run in his basketball shorts, and he acted like I had just come up with the MOST brilliant idea in the entire world of ideas!!!!!
So, Forest Jax sprays Usher cologne on his jacket before each run.
Gets set on the track, and as the girls are cheering him on, he takes off the jacket and dramatically throws it at them.  They all scramble to catch the geek-jek hoodie and gather to sniff as hard as they can to burn their nose holes with Jax's wonderful body odor combined with a cheap, Walmart scented man perfume!
Oh to be a dorky, awkward, hormonal teenager again!!!
But I must say, being the parent of one or two is even harder!!!!  
Maybe our family teen drama story to come....
don't know if I am emotionally strong enough to type it...we will see.
All I know, is that I am paving the path for most of you, and I can say with all seriousness, that mothering  teenagers is harder than trying to catch the pot of gold at end of a rainbow.
Just a lil something to look forward to y'all!]

Wah, Wah Waaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!
After that uplifting, motivating comment about children, we will move on to something truly positive.

As I said, Jax has earned longer family visits.
He was beaming to be the one to introduce us to the movie "The Croods".
[He had seen it on Spring break with his group]
We drove to the Provo mall doors just in time to catch the 2:45 Cinemark showing.
YOU will love it!!!  Go see it with the kiddies!

After the movie, we walked the mall, got a bite to eat, and then it was time to take Jax back to the dorms.

As we approached the mall doors to the outside, we all noticed this...this......this.....person, who couldn't be a day over 19, standing in front of the glass windows admiring himself with a starched white shirt, a paisley silk scarf, no shoes and a freekin old man pipe!
[I was totally confused on what genre/style he was trying to get across!  And he was YOUNG!!!  I'm still perplexed!]
We watched in amusement as the pipe-boy never diverted his gaze off of himself.
I even wondered if there was a hidden camera?
The look on other bystander's faces watching  the 'I'm too sexy' dude was priceless!

Jax couldn't quit laughing, Riv was shaking his head in embarrassment for the poor lad, and Randy was wishing he could look like Hugh Hefner too.

Marshmallows and muck boots!

Our back yard is still in progress....ARGH!!!!!
Randy and I like to bust shit out and get it done since we can not handle waiting for our gratification.
BUT, this back yard has been quite the challenge to our patience since we made the mature decision to only continue with the finish as we save cash in hand to pay for it [what cash? ha! people have cash?] which is exactly why its been a mud pit for a year and a half!
It was priority to fence the entire thing within weeks of moving in, 
[for privacy and dog whoring around purposes.]  
which was a good chunk a change!
We poured all of our cement last summer 
[remember the Tongans in their flip flops?].
We also planted a large investment of trees and installed the sprinkling system in the fall.
Over Easter weekend, Randy leveled out a truckload of topsoil with a bobcat and made a secluded 'nook' with a boulder retaining wall that will have seating around a wood fire pit.

We scraped our last lil bit of funds together to purchase our outdoor gas fireplace and octagon gazebo that will give coverage from mother nature.
It [the fire pit] will be built, delivered and set in place in about a week.
[the above picture is the rock that we picked out to skirt the bottom of the fire place.]
I CAN NOT wait to have my peeps over and say, 
"Pull up a chair and enjoy the fire!"
I just hope they don't look beyond the cement and gazebo!  We may be in a mud pit for another year considering that I chose not to blow my wad on sod.
[There's your Dr. Seuss for the day]
My backyard theme:
"Marshmallows and  muck boots "

It's all a scam

You suck a big DOH! NUT!
I am not going to show my round, puffy powder sugared face in your store for a long long time!
I need to detox after shoving a chocolate, coconut and then sugar ball cake in my mouth continuously for 2 days straight!
Why did you have to go and place this platter of crack balls on a display front of me.....while I am PMS starving?!?!?
OH...I see how this works!
You snag me hook, line, and sinker with the donut holes, get me sugar-crack addicted, then try to sell me an effin treadmill to pretend it will make it all better!

It's all a big scam if you ask me!
Thanks Costco!
Thanks a lot!
[middle finger]