Saturday, August 31, 2013

Who says teenagers don't know anything?

I had a pre-set of 101.9 the end [alternative rock] in my car radio.
One day the music was different, and we realized it had changed to 'Classic Hits'.
Both of my boys love classic rock and push the button to listen to 101.9 when they are in the car.
This past week, we have heard them advertise for free Salt Lake ComicCon tickets and have called in hopes to be the caller #5 winner.
No luck.

That is until a couple of days ago.
Jax remembered that the D.J. said more tickets would be given away in the 3 o'clock hour.
He set his new purple and black digital watch to alarm him of the winning time.
As the announcer started the contest at 3:05, Jax dialed into the radio station on my cell phone while I used the house phone for double winning possibilities.

Immediately Jax had a nervous expression.
I asked him if it was ringing.
He yelled, "YES!" and then threw the phone at me.
I fumbled and put the phone to my ear.
As I cleared my throat to talk, I realized that I had missed the D.J's introduction to answering the call.
I had to ask him to repeat what he had just said.....all the while Jax is FAHREEKING OUT and embarrassed by my delay.

In calling conclusion, we won a VIP  4-pack to the SLC ComicCom 3 day event!
[a prize worth $600!]
We get tix, a swag bag, photo op's with celebrities and much more.
Jax was jumping up and down and about ready to cry with excitement!
If you know Jax, you know that he believes super hero's are real, and this is his Disneyland of his dreams to attend the gala of GEEKS event.

The D.J. recorded our convo and played it on air.
The clip that he got was,
D.J:  "How did you find our satation?'
Me:  "Well, it was already in my pre-set for the alternative end station, and when we found out you switched to classic rock, my boys wouldn't let me change it.  I have two teen boys that LOOOOVE classic rock."
D.J:  "Who says teenagers these days don't know anything????  
They know good music!"
Me:  "I know!!!  I guess I raised them right!"
D.J:  "You sure did"

We are now in the process of putting together Jax's 'Green Arrow' costume. It's coming along, but there are major funds involved!!! 
Being a comic book geek-jek is expensive!
[YES!! There is a possibility that green spandex are involved!  YIKES!]

I have plans on dressing up as a geek-jek's mom.
I'm sure there's something in my closet that will work.
I play that roll every day!

Stay tuned for the reveal of Jax's costume.

This is the place

Randy and I enjoyed a farm to table dinner at Pago on Friday night.
It's been a long time that we have had an alone date night.
As we basked in the late summer air with a glass of wine on the 9th east patio, we reveled in the beauty of the people and the eclectic streets of Salt Lake City.
I love this city.  I really do.
As Brigham Young said, "THIS is the place".
I'm sure his meaning was much more different than mine.....
but the appreciation of it's glory is the same.

Penguins shoot poop

I got free tickets to the Living Planet Aquarium from my credit union.
The aquarium is moving from the weird, small location in Sandy to a larger, custom built location in Draper.

I couldn't help but feel like these water creature thingies are held hostage in a small cell :(
Kinda made me feel like being an activist for like......a minute.  And then I got tired when I thought of how I would have to picket on hot streets with ugly signs and shirts and extreme, weird people :/ 
I decided right then and there, that I wouldn't be the best activist for this cause.

Jax's highlight of the day, was watching the penguins shoot their poop as they swam in front of the glass.
There always seemed to be a following penguin that swam in the first penguin's cloud of white milky shiz.
Jax was dry heaving at the sight, yet continued to stay hoping for more pooh sightings.

Bodily fluids from any kind of living creature is a 'HELL YEAH' moment for any boy.
They are seriously attracted to shit!!!!
You mother's of boys know what I'm talking about!

I really like your peaches...Want to shake your tree

The lil peach tree we planted last fall produced so many sweet, juicy peaches, that it's poor limbs were laying on the ground from the weight.

Something about a fruit tree or a garden that makes a human feel God-like.......
as if WE made every piece of bounty with our bare hands and take credit for all of it!

We threw a couple tomato plants in the back 40 with shitty soil and no fertilizer and they have flourished!!! 
Even with little to NO effort, we feel proud of our produce and show it off like they were born from our loins.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Son of a preacher man

 Randy and Riv spent a Sunday afternoon tuning up the chick-mobile.
Riv was proud of his grease filled fingernails and scratched up forearms once they started lil blue and she ran like a purring kitten.
I think the boy learned a few grease monkey tricks of the trade.
Of course, when THE Rand teaches anybody anything....
you also get a sermon for free.
I'm not sure of the real conversation that was had, but this would be my version of it by the looks of the pictures........

SON!!  You need to do this.  
And SON, you need to do that.
And if you do this, that will happen.
Do you want that to happen to this?
Hey!  I'm talkin to you SON!
DO YOU understand me SON?
And what is up with that hair SON!?!?!
Cut your hair and get a real job SON!
Time is running out for you to do this and that.

SON, I'm gonna tell you what my dad told me:
Centralize your shit SON!

And that's all I have to say about this.....
or that.

Leave my hair out of this and that.
It's an innocent bystander in this.
It never did anything to you or that!

Ahhhhh........ good ol fashioned father son preaching bonding time :)

Drunk on frienship

Saturday night the gang celebrated an end of summer BBQ at my house.
Everyone pitched in to bring a delish side dish to accompany my kabobs.
EVERYTHING was tasty amazing!
Paula and Jay D brought their kick ass spicy stuffed jalapenos, Kim and Phil brought home made baked beans, Derek and Lisa brought a fresh caprese salad, Marilyn and Ben brought a large bowl of salsa love, and Lynsie and Jay brought a dessert that was so addicting we called it 'crack in a pan'.

I had been waiting for the right moment to use my two bottles of cherry wine that I bought at the wine fest in CO.
This was the perfect eve to bust it out , mix in some lemonade and fruit, and celebrate with my friends.

We caught up on each other's lives and were like puppies just needing to be close to each other and suck every breath hoping the night wouldn't end.

I was drunk on laughter, good food, happiness and 
fabulous friend fellowship. is good :)
Especially with these great people.
We are a lucky bunch of goofballs.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life's highway

I have a lump in my throat that doesn't want to go away.
It's residency will choke me up with a warning that salty tears will be falling down my cheeks.
Sometimes I can hold it all back and there is no evidence of the fear, pride, happiness, and monumental moments that I experience when I realize that my oldest baby boy is on his way to freedoms from my apron strings.
And other times.....
I allow the tears to fall where they may.

Last night we brought home Riv's first vehicle.
He is only 15, but will be getting his permit [if he passes] on Friday.
This Jeep is exactly what Randy had in mind for his son.
It was affordable, [to which River helped pay for] and is a great mechanics learning piece for a young man to gain knowledge.
He has a year to practice driving with an adult before he acquires his real driver's license.
I will savor this last year of riding by his side, knowing that soon enough, he will be on 
his own road to life's highway.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Jumpin Jax Flash

If it's there, he WILL jump it.

I cringe when I see him running for a pole.
[especially the one's that are as tall as him] 
I can't even watch most of the time because I have fears of witnessing a horrible nut-knocker tragedy.

I call it MMMMMMMM fest

Beerfest 2013 proved to be once again, 

Just ask Jay :)

Big MOTH-er effer

I noticed him hanging out on my front window. As I moved in on him to take a close up picture, he didn't even wince or try to get away.
It was the biggest moth I've ever seen.....and the most beautiful one too.

What's the difference between a moth and a butterfly?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's ok......LUKE WILSON!

We headed south on I-15 in the morning hours on Sunday.

Purpose:  Family vacation/death wish experiment
Destination 1:  Vegas
Destination 2:  California
Vehicle:  The Bourbon
Passengers:  Randy, Jolie, Riv, Jax and Maddie [Riv's sister from anotha mister]

We pulled into Vegas that afternoon with the temps showing 111 degrees.
Just the perfect time for the air conditioner to blow a hose in the suburban.

We had just enough time to buy tickets to the Excalibur dinner/entertainment show,
 "The Tournament of Kings".
This was the boys' fourth time seeing it, and they were still excited and thoroughly enjoyed participating to show Maddie how it's done.

After the show we loaded in the shaggin-wagon and drove to our hotel.
The Golden Nugget is on Freemont Street and has very nice accommodations.

The kids LOOOOOVED the freak show parade and the ceiling light shows honoring Queen, Heart, Bon Jovi and many other rock bands on Freemont.

The next morning, while Randy found a local mechanic to fix the a/c, the kids and I went to the swanky/amazeballs swimming pool on the lower level of the hotel.
There is a large shark tank that is a pillar in the center with a tube slide that runs through the center of that.
We spent hours laughing, naming the fish/sharks [we named them all Randy....except for the starfish who was pegged as Patrick], and swimming in and out of the sun's rays.

My attempt of sliding the shark tube wasn't without an owee.
Apparently you are supposed to keep your arms by your side at all times as you sit and ride.
I failed by flailing like an octopus,  and causing a good goose egg on my forearm.

Ya know, I try......I really, really do try to be cool.
Backfires every time!
Oy vey!

Randy's passionate request was to visit the "Pawn Stars" pawn shop.

 It was eh...OK.
It was more like a souvenir store with as seen on TV shit to buy.
Randy walked out with his head hung low.
Poor dude was disappointed and continued to bitch about how these guys sold out.
I told him he would too if it meant he would be a bazillionaire!

The next day we drove to Los Angeles.
We stayed on Ventura Blvd.
We caught the hotel shuttle to Universal Studios.
The ride throughout the city was one of the most attractive moments for me.

Vin Diesel was calm as I groped his arms.

Most of the rides are 3-D motion.
This is a captured pic they took during the Simpson's ride that I was too cheap to buy.

Jaws....I'm sure you figured that out

Self explanatory

Bates Motel

Dr. Suess' Who-ville

War of the Worlds.
The set was overwhelming.
It took many thousands of dollars and months to complete.
The entire scene was in the movie less than 10 mins.

 Water world was so freakin awesome!!!!
Real jet skis and boats and fire and explosions and actors and you get wet!

Universal Studios is perfect for teens.
They understand the attractions, and it's more 'adult' like than Disneyland.
The lines are between 30-90 minute waits, but they have something entertaining going on the entire wait time.
The tix were $110 with shuttle ride and the food was around $10/pp. 
They don't nazi check backpacks, so I would throw some water and snacks in the pack next time.

The kids couldn't wait to swim in this state of the art cold pool at our hotel.
[Hotels in L.A. are old, yet expensive.  You take what you can get]

I call this scene the "master of puppets".  
Maddie was always center of the boys' attention.

Maddie and Riv's 15th bdays are days apart from each other.
We utilized calling them the "twins" to get the free bday desserts!

While dining, we looked out the window to see the L.A. parking patrol ticketing the bourbon.
Randy ran out to find out why, since we had put enough coins in the meter.
We hadn't noticed that we were a FOOT onto the red fire zone.
Thank you California for keeping a close eye on people violating the law by a foot!!!
$70 ticket.

We spent the next day at Venice Beach.
I love Venice Beach!
The water and sand may not be the echelon of Cali beaches, but the entertainment around you is worth it all.

Jax couldn't wait to build sand castles

River couldn't wait to jump waves.
Maddie was a trooper and tried both.

After hours of beach pruning,
we walked the boardwalk, which is one of my favorite things.
It reminds me of being a teen and visiting my Aunt Tracy in L.A.
She brought me to Venice Beach and showed me a world that I didn't know existed.
I was happy to see that 'Muscle Beach' is still in full swing, and there are plenty of meat heads ready to give a muscle show.

There are many acts that keep you entertained along the boardwalk along with fun shops full of t-shirts/backpacks/swimsuits/marijuana.
Yes, I said marijuana.
About every 4th store had a "Weed Doctor" that would give you a prescription for a year.
Not our thing, but we could tell it was other people's thing since the air smelled of skunk.

Randy bought me the best 20 minute massage I'VE EVER HAD from an Asian man with arms like a machine.
His massage chair smelled a little bit like cheena, but I got past that once he took his elbow into my inflamed shoulder tissue.

We are now at the end of our trip.....
and I have saved my best for last!!!!!!

While walking the beach along Venice, I noticed that they were filming a movie.
Not because of their OBVIOUS signs that they posted that I was OBLIVIOUS to, but because I could see tents and camera crews.

As I walked the beach I am looking to my left where there are scuba divers for the movie, and to the right are cameras, a director chair that said "Helen", and EZ-ups.
As my head is rapidly turning in each direction, I walk face to face with two surfers alone on the same part of the beach I am walking.
Immediately I can recognize the profile of HELEN HUNT!!!!!
As I am catching my breath in disbelief, I almost get smacked with the next person's surf board as he turns around.

I hear, "OMG, I am so sorry".

HEY!!! I know this voice!!!!!
As I look toward his face I said, "it's ok......LUKE WILSON!!!!"
My expression must have shown the shock and excitement I was feeling, because he laughed and moved out of my way.
Let me tell you something ladies!!!!
He is MUCH more attractive in person!
His eyes are ocean blue and his smile is soft and comforting.
Yes, I know all this in the 1.2 seconds of our contact.

Me and Luke had a moment.
I'm pretty sure he felt too......
I'm just sayin.
[I googled the movie they are making.  It's called "Ride" and will be premiering in November 2014.  Helen Hunt directs it too.....hence the chair!]

After many days of fun, driving, and money spent, we headed back to SLC with the bourbon packed to the skins.

This was a needed and well deserved family vacation with all the Hollywood special effects included!
Although a smart family knows when to call it before someone is purposely left behind at the Bate's Motel!

I love Californication!

Hey Luke Wilson ;) wink, wink.
Call me maybe