Sunday, September 23, 2012

Too much hokey "pokey"

Jax had his share of needles on Saturday.
It started with our morning appointment to re-check the infected knee.

The doctor examined the painful area and then left the room.
He came back with a syringe full of numbing liquid and what looked like a turkey injector needle to drain the fluid and infection.
Jax got a concerned look on his face and said, "you're not going to stick that in my knee are you?"
The doctor replied, "if you want to save your knee I'm going to have to stick it in there!"
I laughed, because that's what I do in inappropriate times.
The doctor gave me a stern look and said, "this isn't anything to laugh about.  I am serious about this issue."
My eyes were bulging from my head and my heart wanted to run out of my body!
Poor Jax!!!
Poor Jax!!!
OMG!!! Poor Jax is all I could repeat in my head.

Jax handled it all so well.
The doctor gave us another antibiotic to add to the first one given to us the day before.
Then he drew more dots around the knee and instructed me to immediately take him to emergency if the redness expanded and Jax continued to be lethargic and feverish.

Six hours later and we were driving to the E.R.

[don't worry Paula....I left out the truly graphic pictures]

The nurse hooked Jax up with an I.V. full of strong antibiotics and then prepared a surgical tray.
The on call doctor gave Jax another shot of numbing fluid and then cut open the bursa [a fluid filled sack] to drain the infection.
Jax laid with his eyes closed in a meditative state and didn't even shed a tear....even through his fear.
The doc packed the incision and gave us instructions to return on Monday to have it re-evaluated.

Jax is already feeling much better.
His fever is gone and I can see energy filling back through his body.
He still has a hard time putting pressure on his leg, but I think he is healing well.

Nobody deserves to be poked so much in one day!!!
Luckily Jax is a strong, brave boy.

And because of my extreme sympathy and feelings of failing him as a mother, I have babied this kid by letting him live off of ice cream for two full days!
Sometimes ice cream heals ALL the pain :)

I will call you back in three weeks from never

I decided I needed a life job.

Two reasons:

Mostly sanity and interaction with peers.
I really miss that!
Pretty simple eh?
I knew that I was basically starting from ground up at this point.
My hell!  It's been over 14 years since I had a real jobbie.
My skills are out of date, 
my education is null, 
and my wrinkles are like POW!
These are the three top things that gets your application pushed to the side to make way for the young and fresh to over shine your dingy resume.
The young and fresh have sparkle!

A 41 year old stay at home mom has the opposite of sparkle.......
I would call it SPACKLE!
You know the saying....spackle and paint makes it what it aint.

I applied to one company.  
My attraction to this company was that the job is a no brainer, has healthy physical labor, and is part time.
This company also boasted about supporting the "stay at home mom". A commitment to family values that will leave the employee a flexible work schedule.
As you can guess, the pay isn't something to brag about, but the bennies are great.

The day that I applied, I received an email saying they would like to phone interview me and gave me a specific time and day to choose. 

That next Monday morning's interview was comfortable, and went what I considered "a success". We started by talking about my work experience.  I tried to keep it to the most influential and recent job I had....ya know, the one that was in the decade before this one!
But that wasn't what the interviewer was interested in.
She told me that I got the interview because of my experience in 1987 when I was 16 years old and worked retail at JC Penney!!!
Who freekn knew that college and a stable career took back seat to a part time teenage position!
We then talked about how important being a team player was to me and I was asked to give examples of where I have been a team player.
I gave many answers and then ended with, "Well my proudest team playing job has been as a wife and mother. We depend on each other to keep the house in order and properly functioning in a positive manner".
We completed the interview and I thought to myself, "hmmmmm I think that was a pretty good answer if I do say so myself."  Many of  my friends agreed and gave me a big pat on the back and encouraging words towards me being hired.
But you know, there is always one red headed step child in the group!
I tell my friend Amie this interview story and she can't contain her laughing!!! So now I am laughing and thinking that maybe this interview was totally stupid after hearing myself repeat it out loud!
Amie turns to me in between her tears and snorts of laughter and says,
in response to my team player bullshit.
I had to agree and we had so much fun making jokes about my "gay" interview.

A couple days after the initial interview, I get an email saying I am still in the running but the manager needed TWO more weeks to make a decision!!!
I patiently waited those two weeks and then started thinking this whole thing was a candid camera moment when it went into the 
third week.
I mean really!!!! 
Who does this?  
Is this normal and I just don't understand the workforce anymore?
[BTW: This isn't some little po-dunk small town company! 
They are national and very known and respected!]
Three weeks and one day later, and I received the call that offered me the job.
I accepted and was so excited.  I began to anticipate my start date.
and I finally had contact with my new supervisor.
This process of waiting has just about killed me and my confidence in even working outside of the home. 

Anyway, my supervisor sounds like a real hoot and I can just tell that me and my TEAM are all gonna get along just dandy!

You hear that AMIE?!?! T.E.A.M!!!!
Who's got the gay answers now Amie?!?!?!?
Apparently my new jobbie supports gay rights!

A boy that I used to know

My mother in law sent me this article, as she often does when she reads something that hits home with my life.

The writer is Karina Bland and writes a blog called "my so-called midlife" for The Arizona Republic.
I relate to this story in every way!!!  Even down to the Thomas the Tank Engine and questioning the Holocaust!  I could have written this post from my own experiences as a mother.....but I thank Karina for doing it.  She did a way better job than I could have because I would have been boohooing through each key typed! 
Karina reminds me that I am not alone in the memories 'of a boy that I used to know'......
Here's to all of you who have, are, or will mother a son.

Missing: the baby, Buzz Lightyear and young Jedi. Reward offered.

Sun, Sep 09 2012
I hand over my debit card and dip my face into the top of the to-go bag to inhale the warm garlic naan wrapped loosely in tin foil.
"Where's the baby?" Raj Rani asks. She runs our favorite Indian restaurant, Royal Taj in Tempe, and if my son isn't with me, she always asks: "Where's the baby?"
We have been coming here since Sawyer was a baby, but now he's 13, 5-foot-10, often mistaken for 16 or 17, has a voice as deep as Barry White's and is shaving once a week.
Raj Rani is the only one who calls him "baby" anymore.
When you're a new parent, people warn you about how fast children grow up, and it's true. But what they fail to tell you is how dramatic the changes are from one stage to the next. It is like the child they used to be has gone missing.
I can go years without seeing my cousins in New Zealand, and we don't change much, not in looks or manner. We're basically still the same people.
It's different with children. Kids can change at lightning speed, and without an announcement. The child at the breakfast table can be a stark contrast to the one who sat in his chair at dinner just the night before, even if he is wearing the same pajamas.
Where's the baby? I don't know. I mean, on this particular night, Sawyer is already home, allegedly working on his homework though ear buds trail under his binder to his iPad.
But the baby I fell in love with, brought home from the hospital and got to know so well has been gone for a long time.
In his place was a familiar and just as lovable toddler who clutchedThomas the Tank Engine railcars in each hand and had his own ideas about vegetables and bedtime.
Then one day the toddler was gone, too, replaced by a small boy in a Buzz Lightyear costume who inserted "to infinity and beyond" at the end of the Pledge of Allegiance in place of "and justice for all."
In no time Buzz Lightyear was AWOL, and there was another boy, taller and faster, with new front teeth too big for his face, fearless in Jedi robes, a light saber tucked into the belt loop of his jeans.
Then the Jedi was gone and another boy, one even taller and with huge feet, took up residency in the blue-carpeted bedroom, shoved the stuffed animals behind the bed, and emptied his pockets of rocks and Lego minifigures in favor of a cellphone.
And then just when I got used to him, the latest version of this boy turned up this summer, startlingly responsible, suddenly knowledgable about neurobiology and plumbing, and savvy enough to navigate public transportation, get a table at a restaurant and figure out what to leave for a tip.
I'm very proud of the young man. But I do miss the baby, the toddler, Buzz Lightyear, the young Jedi, and the curious boy with loaded pockets who came before this newest model.
Oh, there is plenty of evidence that those boys existed -- pictures, videos and marks on the door frame tracking their growth. I still get glimpses of them, like when I occasionally announce that we are "really reliable and right on time," something Thomas the Tank Engine always boasted, and the 13-year-old Sawyer smirks.
This Sawyer is smart, kind and funny. (Talking with his friend Sam over dinner about Sam's plan to study philosophy in college, Sawyer asked him, "So you're going to ask people, 'Why would you like fries with that?' ")
I like his growing independence. I like watching him discover new interests and hearing his thoughts on current events and politics. (It makes for much more interesting dinner conversation than when he was 8 and on a run of knock-knock jokes.)
Maybe what I miss more about those younger versions of Sawyer is the kind of mother I was back then.
I seemed to know instinctively what to do with the baby, correctly translating every cry, whether he was hungry, or needed changing, or just holding.
The toddler needed redirecting, a lap to curl up in, milk in a sippy cup, bedtime stories (at least two), and help figuring out how to configure his toy train tracks so they would cross the bridge and go through the tunnel.
Buzz Lightyear required reminders, time-outs in Target, chase games in the backyard, books about space, visits to the planetarium and help finding the right Lego pieces.
The fearless boy in Jedi robes needed directing toward the light side of the Force, evil to conquer, the occasional light-saber confiscation for infractions, trees to climb, space to run and Band-Aids.
The next boy needed a book in the tree fort out back, a fast computer, truthful answers to all questions and just a stern look when he needed to straighten up. This boy also renegotiated his bedtime with a Power Point presentation.
I parented all those boys. I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I was good at it.
And then one day this teenager showed up.
Now parenting seems much more complicated, even though in many ways this age is easier.
At 13, Sawyer takes out the trash without being nagged and cleans his bathroom for real, not just wiping down the mirror and sink. He can stay home alone, fend for himself in the kitchen and handle his own social arrangements.
But I can't read him as well as I could when he was younger to know what he needs or what he is feeling. I'm not sure he always knows either.
Come here. Go away.
I can do it myself. Help me!
I love you. I hate you.
Sometimes at the same time.
(This, by the way, is why people say, "I want a baby," but no one ever says, "I want a teenager!")
Sawyer used to plop his foot in my lap, the universal sign for "Tie my shoe." Now what he drops in my lap are questions about girls, rational numbers, taking on too much, college (when he hasn't even started high school), whether there is any scientific research supporting his 10 p.m. bedtime and how people could have stood by and let the Holocaust happen.
I don't have all the answers anymore. The 1,669-piece Lego Star Wars Sandcrawler set seems easy now.
On the first day of eighth grade this fall, Sawyer opened the back of the car and helped Sophia, a fifth-grader new to the carpool, lift out her backpack -- it was almost as big as Sophia herself -- and then slung his own over one shoulder.
With a half-smile and a small wave, my teenager strode off in his size 12 black Converse, and I lost sight of him in the crowd of kids. He didn't look back.
I'll try not to either.

Friday, September 21, 2012

missing vegas

I should be in Vegas right now.
Not because anyone I know has left on a fabulous weekend of fun without me, 
but because I can hear it calling my name through our sinful vibes.

Me and Vegas keep each other young :)

Love you VegasBaby!

There is no such thing as a "fashionable" lift shoe

[the left knee is twice the size of the right knee thanks to great parenting!]

Three days ago, Jax came home from school complaining of his knee hurting.
I didn't really listen to him.
"oh....uh will feel better soon"
I'm not sure why I rarely take these kind of things serious.
Maybe it is from so many years of jumping to their every sniffle and realizing after a $25 co-pay that a sniffle didn't mean death, it meant a dust particle flew up their nose!

Thank goodness Jax's school nurse took the knee problem seriously because if not, we could be dealing with a knee-less child right now people!!!! 
Can you imagine?!?!?!
We would have to get him one of those 'lift' shoes to compensate for the short leg.
And let me tell you, I've nevah seen a lift shoe that didn't say "gimp-o-la" all over it!
ugh!  I just can't even go there!

The nurse drew a pen mark around the inflamed area and called me to say that I would need to take Jax to the doctor if the infection looked to be spreading beyond the ink.
The next day, I gave Jax two Ibuprofen and sent him on to school.
'eh, you're gonna be fine!' I said.
I picked him up at the end of the day and he didn't look well.  He fell asleep in the car and immediately went to bed when we got home.
After a little rest he came to me with the knee blaring heat and black ooey gooey stuff seeping out of a pore.
The redness was waaaay beyond the drawn circle and he was begging for me to release the pressure of the pain by squeezing out the infection.
I squoze until I couldn't sqeeze no mo!  Then I gave him a hot pack and sent him to bed.
This morning he came to my room at about 4 am crying.
The knee had a heartbeat of its own and apparently an internal inferno too.
I bitch slapped myself aware of how bad this really was!!!!
WTF am I thinking????
Yah....don't worry about nominating me for mother of the year!
I've already applied for mother fuck-up of the year and I'm pretty sure I'm in the top three contestants for this one!!!!

I made the first doctor appt. of the day.
The doctor had concerns right away.
I won't bore you with the blah blah's of it, but it comes down to 
Jax's knee has cellulitis.
Jax was given some horse pills to take 4x a day, and a second check up tomorrow morning which may entail IV antibiotics.
The kid can barely walk!!!!

I have nothing more to say.
Shame silences me.

What I'm listening to

I am biased to Maroon 5.
I can't say that I hate any one of their songs.
But I can say that I LOOOOOOVE me some Adam and the sounds and words that come out of his mouth.

I mean.....COME ON!!!!!

OH. MY. LORD!!!!!
[so what if I sound like a 14 year old girl with posters of 'crushes' hanging on my teenage room wall.....
there are some things that I never want to grow out of!]


I can also tell you WHAT I'M NOT LISTENING TO!!!!!
Prince and his new lame song!!!
Have you heard it????
Rock and Roll love affair.
The name is the most rockin thing about this song!
The beat and lyrics don't sound unique....or new....or refreshing from anything else he's made.
I had higher hopes....and you let me down Prince! let me down


And might I suggest a new hair-do along with a new sound!
They both are out dated and a bit 'frizzled'.
[this would DEFINITELY NOT be a crush poster on my wall! uck!]

Prince lost his Revolution.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Park City is nearing the end of their summer farmers market and 'Park Silly Street' days.
They close off the bottom part of Main Street and have unique vendors of pottery, art, jewelry, food, clothing, and beer!
It's an absolutely fabulous way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

I made sure to browse every booth and admire the variety of talents.  My eye was attracted to a tent that had displays of antique forks made into bracelets.
This particular one called to me.
It reminded me of water and I felt like it said "Aquarius" all over it!
I had to have it!
As I was paying for my new favorite piece, the designer explained the fork's history.
Silver, made in 1935, and the style of the flowers on  cutlery was named.........

Coincidence???   I think not!

Mud pie and Disneyland are equals

Jax and I spent Saturday together as River and Randy were preparing for the youth elk hunt.

We started our date at Liberty park.
At 10:00 am we joined  in a charity awareness walk with Paula's family.
It was a beautiful day and her family was able to raise over $600 for research on a disease that took the life of her niece.
Jax and I were proud to be included.

By noon the walk was over and we were FAMISHED!
Jax mentioned Red Robin and I was like,
 "Hell yah!  
They have a salad that I loooove!  
Let's do it man!"

Needless to say, the effed up my salad and as a consolation prize they gave us a free piece of mud pie.
When a single slice is bigger than your kids' ginormous head, you know you've got a dessert of your chocolate dreams!!!

It was so exciting and overwhelming, that we didn't even know where to start!!!!
This piece of mud pie ranked up there with Disneyland on Jax's happy experiences scale!
You think I'm kidding?
I would never kid you about something this serious!  

And just like the rides at Disneyland.......
if you over-do it, 
you wanna puke!

I took advantage of Jax being in a food coma and talked him into going to get a haircut.
He gave in......
and I mean in a BIG WAY!!!

He looked at the hair-dresser, pointed to a picture of Adam Lavine and said, "This is what I want".
I was in shock and stumbled over my words.
"But Jax!  I thought you wanted to keep these curls.  
Are you sure you don't just want  a trim?"

"Nope, I want to look like Adam Lavine!"

And there ya have it folks.
The locks that we learned to love and hate through all of the processes, were buzzed bye bye with one quick swipe.

I looked at my handsome son when the style was complete and said,
"Awe.....Now there's the boy I remember :)"

reaping the fruits of my neighbor

My neighbor enjoys dropping off sacks full of tomatoes, apples, and peaches.  Maybe his excitement is from the thrill he sees in my eyes AND from the saliva dripping from the corners of my mouth as I receive the goods!

I am spoiled with fresh produce daily and I didn't even have to grow it myself!!!

[which would have been an oxymoron anyhow......
because the only things I can grow is old and mold]

Monday, September 10, 2012

say yes to the dress 1-2-3 times

After my previous post regarding our anniversary, Paula reminded me that I haven't yet told about the recycled dress that has  outfitted my body for three important dates in my life.

~my god!!! could we look any dorkier??~

I purchased this dress brand new in 1988 for my senior prom.
Up until that point, I had always rented my prom dresses.
Splurging the $70 on this dress was a big deal since I was still on a JC Penney's retail salary [$4.65/hr]
The dress came white with the black edging.  My friend's mom who was a seamstress, added the black lace down the middle bodice, sewed a silk and lace rose to the hip and made my black lace gloves.
Dress reconstruction #1

[I am sick that I can not find my large framed professional bridal portrait.  It's somehow gotten lost in all of my moves.]

Randy and I were married in 1989.
We paid for most of our $1000 wedding on our own with the help of family contributing food, decorations, and emotional support.
I knew my tight budget couldn't warrant an expensive gown. That is when the prom dress came out of the closet and found it's new identity!
With the help of my Auntie E and Aunt Janin, we gave our ideas to a seamstress in Lehi to transform the prom fru fru into my summer wedding dress.
All of the black was removed and pearl beading was put in it's place.  A heart shaped neck was added along with shoulder ruffles and fourth tier to the bottom of the layers for $80.
I adorned my own silk shoes, Elise bought my lace gloves and Janin generously gifted my veil.
[one of my favorite memories was shopping with Elise and Janin for the veil.]
Dress reconstruction #2

A few years after my wedding, my cousin's wife wore my dress and veil  for her special day!
[Jeremy and Tori]
She kept the dress the same, but attached the veil to a cowboy hat and wore lace up vintage boots.

This dress is a chameleon to each event it is called to!

20 years later..........
And we would be ready to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a party to remember!!!!

Of course, I called on my dress yet again to accompany me through my special memories to come.
BUT......20 years had put some eensy weensy major girth to my mid section and I would need some professional help revamping this lovely for the 3rd time!

I called on Paula, the bestest seamstress that I know, and she worked her butt off getting this dress ready in time for the celebration.
She took off the previously added fourth tier, removed the entire upper neck and shoulder ruffles and used the discarded material to add small shoulder straps and about 4 inches to the back side in a corset lace-up.
She also cleaned up my fragile veil by re-positioning the beading and adding big sunflowers hand-sewn around the crown.
Paula put much time, effort and love into this project.

Dress reconstruction #3

I wore my original wedding gloves and used the original bouquet and  garter belt.

I look forward to what the future brings between me and this dress of mine.  We have a bond that lasts through thick and thin [literally!]
Who knows....maybe a daughter in law would appreciate the 
funk, fun and form-ability in this frock?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

smooth operator

~circa 1988 my senior prom~

Our 23rd wedding anniversary started this morning with a bang!
Randy snuck over to my side of the bed, kneaded my belly rolls like bread dough and then opened up his arms for me snuggle into.  I'm used to the fat massages and have been able to not be so self conscious about Rand's love for a muffin top, but where it all went a little weird was when he looked at me with love in his eyes and said, 
"come here ya big lug!"

After all these years and he still knows the right thing to say.
oy vey
Yep....that's the man I love.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Me, myself, and I......BFF's

I am a purse junkie!  
Always have been.
As far back as I can remember, I have loved purses.  I think my first one was a hand knitted, multi-colored gift from my great grandmother.  The next one I remember was a quilted Holly Hobbie design with a long strap and a flap that went over the opening with a button attached as a closure.
If I had to count, I've probably had over a hundred purses in my lifetime.  Some of them are for specific events like concerts, vegas, or bar nights.
Others are for my everyday use.
I am always on the look out for a good everyday use purse.
I have a criteria that the purse needs to meet.
1~ Only one  short shoulder strap.
[I hate the purses that open like a doctors bag with the two handles.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the looks of them and have bought MANY thinking they would work for me.  The function of the duel handles with one constantly falling off my shoulder is too much for me on an everyday basis]
2~  Big enough to hold ONLY my essentials, yet small enough to keep me not putting anything more than my essentials in it!  I like to keep it light weight and a size that I can tuck it under my pit if I need to use both of my hands.
3~  At least two inner and outer pockets to separate my lip glosses and receipts from each other.
4~  Boho-Rocker look.
I can't believe I saved this criteria for last!  The functionality is truly so important to me that it trumps aesthetics!!!

While browsing around a Sears store, 
[Who really browses in Sears???  Ok, maybe a man looking for tools or a lawn mower, but I don't think you hear of a woman boasting excitement to spend her money at Sears!
It was an off day for me that day anyway.....I questioned WTF I was even doing or how I got in this Sears store in the first place.]
My purse-radar directed me past the garage door openers to the glorious handbag department.
As I walked toward the inventory, my eyes filled with sparkle and joy!  I was overwhelmed and had to focus my thoughts and figure out where to start this adventure in shopping.

As if being in a Sears store and not knowing how I arrived there isn't bad enough, what I'm about to tell you is over the top nut-farm-crazy shit!!!!

I stopped in front of the first display rack and decided this would be my starting point.  
I then said TO MYSELF with a half smile and head nod, 
"hmmmmmmm, yeah!  
This place is looking pretty good to me.  
I'm really liking the selection I see. 
 I could possibly find my ideal purse here!
OMG!  I'm so excited!"
I said it with such sincerity and passion that made me stop, laugh at myself [apparently I enjoy talking and laughing to myself A LOT], and then be very concerned that I am having full on conversations and girl time with ME! 
 AND, why is purse shopping being taken so god damn seriously in my little world of chaos around me?!?!?

Is it just me*?
Please tell me I'm not the only coo-coo bird having a blast with the company of myself and a room full of purses!!!!!

*I already know I'm not alone in this....Am I right Elise?
BTW:  I didn't find my ideal purse at Sears Roebuck and Company.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I forget sometimes

River and I were sitting on the couch talking.
Well, there was talking combined with some pillow fighting and Riv's stinky feet trying to be shoved up my noseholes in a wrestling move.  Any time you sit with a 14 year old boy, you never really sit.....there is some sort of fidgeting, thumb war, burping, boogers or ninja action going on.  But we still managed to have a conversation!!!!  
A conversation with a teenager!!!  
Things were going swell :)
This was the convo:

Me:  This is your dad's schedule for next week.
 [I gave him the itinerary]

Riv:  Oh.  Ok.  
Guess what is happening next week.?.

Me:  What?

Riv:  Just guess!!

Me:  Hmmmm......I'm not thinking of anything.  
Does it have to do with your school?

Riv:  Geez mom!!!  
How unpatriotic and unsympathetic are you???  
Think of the dates on the calendar!

Me:  What do you mean?  The only thing that I can remember that is coming next week is me and your dad's anniversary.  
What am I missing?  
Now I remember.
The 9.11 anniversary :(

Riv:  I would have to say the 9.11 anniversary is a bigger deal than you and dad's anniversary!
How do you forget 9.11?

Me:  How can you say that?  If it wasn't for the fact that me and your dad got married, you wouldn't even be alive!

I would still be alive even if you and dad never met.

Me:  Shit!!!!  You're right!!!  
I forget sometimes.