Friday, October 28, 2011

{what hope do the rest of us have?}

"Lets all stop speculating about Ashton and Demi.  We have no idea what they are going through...... 
aside from puberty and menopause."
~Joan Rivers

ok...I have to admit,
I went through a stage of obsession regarding the saga of Ashton and Demi.
I'm pretty much over it now....
t'was a short lived celeb obsession.
But I do have one question:
If Demi Moore can't keep a guys attention....
then what hope do we as commoners have?

I mean....
IT'S DEMI MOORE for sexy's sake!
She is the poster child of age reversal and 
what we all aspire as 40-somethings to look like.
(I have a strange feeling she could be a bit whack-a-do tho?!?!)

It makes me just want to end the fight I have with age,
 and wave the white flag proudly while 
I wear a moo-moo 
and house slippers, 
without make-up, 
with wrinkles forming daily, 
and accenting with a grey bun-head.

How effin depressing!


paula said...

We should just give up now. I think he cheated. As her daughters are growing up and he's seeing them party and be young he's probably thinking to himself, "DAMN! I'm throwing my youth away....I want to be partying NOT parenting."

Demi looks hot and all but we have to's not just the way 20-something girls's a mindset too. She can look as young as she wants but the second she tries to ACT young she is viewed entirely different....No matter how hot she looks, she will never be the desirable 20-something again....just a hot old woman trying to act young. Too bad men in our society aren't held to the same set of standards. Have you ever heard of George Clooney being dumped for a younger man? neither.

OTEOF (OnTheEdgeOfFifty) said...


Megan said...

I actually don't think it has anything to do with looks or age or how young and carefree the other woman was. It's men. Period. It doesn't matter what kind of "muffin" (still laughing at daisy and her muffin eating phase) he has at home. It could be the best damn muffin in the world. A muffin other guys would kill for a chance to eat. When said guy is at a Starbucks and some girl offers a different tasting muffin......