{neon lights with a touch of gray}
Anyone watch the X-Factor???
Did you happen to notice the boy band, 'The Anser' from Utah that made it through to the finals??
I met one of the members over the weekend while in Wendover.
I watched him walking around looking like a fish out of mercury filled waters.
He seemed a bit perplexed as to why people weren't noticing him.
I mean, come on!!!
He was wearing the same hat and coat that we saw him wearing on TV!!!
I think it was a way of saying,
And the color just happens to match his name.... Gray.
I walked up to him and asked if anyone had recognized him, and if peeps are buggin' to talk to him.
His response was, "unfortunately no".
I told him I was totally bummed to see that they were sent home from the show, and I wished him well in his endeavors.
He said to be looking for him because some really good things are in the works.
I wandered off laughing to myself of what a dork I am to randomly talk to this dude.
Seriously tho, and I'm not just saying this, but I felt bad for him for the "unfortunate lack of notice". I think he was expecting more attention. I really didn't care to talk to him, but I just wanted him to know that
poor kid :(
After the encounter, I texted Paula to tell her I talked to him.
We were all,
"LOL!!! OMG!!! WOW!!! LOL!!!"
Then I said texted her saying
"I'm gonna go get a pic with him!
This shit is good blogging material!"
She replied, "YOU GO GIRL!"
I walked back to the original meeting place, told him that my friend didn't believe I actually met/talked to him, and that I needed a picture for proof.
OK, so I'm a big fat liar....
but it worked without me looking like a total middle aged loozer wanting a pic with a 20 something that nobody even recognizes!!!!
Gray was very sweet and cute about it.
His manager or dad or some very happy dude sitting next to him, offered to take our pic, and this is what we ended up with :)
And then....
we taught the dude how to use my camera.

introducing: Gray and the dork
OMH....I am laughing so hard right now! Not because the story is/was funny (which it is) BUT because you actually made a label for your blog titled "pics with stars". Because there are going to be soooo many to use this on. Maybe we should make this a challenge/goal?!
LOL Paula!!!
I know!!! I was laughing just typing pics with stars into the box!!! but the thing is...is that I DO plan on having many more to put in that category!!! you just wait and see!!
maybe Aaron Lewis for round 2?
Actually...we do have that pic with that one band (don't even remember their name)....the douche bags we saw right after I had the baby last year. And then we do have many pics with some "low budget" bands....does that count? And what about our picture with star blogger "Mormon in Manhattan".
I will wait and see but I damn well better be in the pics with you next time!
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