{harmons forced me into the arms of walmart}
Yes, I'm still bitching about the price of pine nuts at Harmons.
Lookie at what I found at Wallyworld!!!!
The price comes out to be $21.22/LB vs. Harmon's $49.99/LB.
I've always been one that would rather support the local, neighborhood markets over giving Wallys my $$, but in the case of the "expensive pine nut saga", I will surely save/spend my money at Waldorks.
Look at what else I found at Waldonks.....
Shitake mushrooms!
They are expanding their "natural foods" shelves.
I'm glad to see that.
The reason for all this weird food today?????
One word.........
(wtf kind of word is that?
It makes me laugh...
I relate the word to a booger or a hair accessory.
Don't ask me why....
just the feeling I get.
It surely doesn't make me want to eat a pizza crust!)

I got the "party pack" of BOBOLI at Costco
(cheaper in bulk of course).
Jax loves to make his/our own pizzas.
I like it too, because we can make it exactly to each persons favorite specs!
River's had turkey pepperoni and sausage.
Jax's was loaded with the same meats but with an addition of shaved turkey on top.
(we were striving for the lower fat meats)
Randy's pizza (right) was a menagerie of whatever Jax chose to throw on it. I'm sure he has no idea what he even ate, he just knew it was the best pizza he's ever had in the entire world.
I think mine was the most beautiful of them all!
Instead of pizza sauce, I used olive oil and mixed in crushed garlic and sprinkles of shaved parmesan.
Then I layered it with spinach, onions, shitake mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, and topped it off with my inexpensive lovely pine nuts.
If you haven't let your kids make their own pizzas, you should do it this weekend!!! Even with all of my crazy ingredients, we came out waaaay cheaper than ordering one from the local pizza joint! AND, we all got exactly what we wanted on our pies.
I think making individual pizzas would be fun to do at a kids birthday party,
or even a girls night paired with beer!
1 comment:
Those look deeelish! We do home made pizza in our house quite often....my favorite-bbq chicken pizza-soooo good. When I was a kid we would use french bread instead of crusts (too poor). That's good too! Nothing tops Boboli though!
Right on with the cheaper pine nuts...we'll have to see if the Walmart out here on gets a healthier selection. As of right now it SUCKS! Apparently they think folks out west here won't buy health food with their food stamps. Or maybe it's because there isn't a circular for a health foods store that they can price match. Have I mentioned how bad I hate Walmart?
You know we're getting old when our girls nights go from casinos, Jaeger shots and dancing to home made pizza, tea and a PG-13 movie at home (all before 9:00 pm).
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