Wednesday, October 19, 2011

{snakes on a plain(s)}

We have a ditch and farmer's fields that surround our home.
I'm not too shocked to see  that there are snakes around.
The only one's we've seen, are little water snakes.
I don't know if its just the time of year, the weather, or a sign from a higher power telling me to watch out for people who are "snakes" in my life, but these little things are dead all over the roads.  
It's not even like they've been ran over or been tortured.  It's more like they just got tired of slithering, stopped, and said, "ok, I'm I can die."

I know that dreaming of snakes means that you are having anxiety about something or trying to protect someone from evil.
The Navajo's believe that snakes can make or take away rain and lightening....all depending on how you interact with the snake. 
They also believe that if you pick up a dead snake and hold it between your thumb and forefinger, 
you will go mute......
hmmmmm.....we can only hope

(just kidding!!!!  geez!)


Tracy said...

I'm liking the "Adam & Eve" reference there, Jaxi :)

paula said...

Well-after seeing him yesterday I can attest that this is just an old wives tale....or Navajo wives tale or something like that.