Today was one of the best days we've had as a family in weeks months.
Jax has earned a level 4 [great accomplishment!] which means he is able to have family visits outside on hospital grounds.
[prior to his level advancement, we had to visit in a small room]
He was exploding with excitement to show us the "big grey castle" that is on the hill above his dorms.
We laid out a blanket on the yellow winter grass, and ate our lunch.
Alternating stories and laughter with calm, relaxing breaks of closing our eyes and laying flat to let the sun kiss our cheeks.
After slamming a couple of gut wrenching Del Taco Burritos,
[We will all be paying for those later!]
Jax led us up a rock staircase where I noticed this plaque.
After some investigation, I found the explanation of how this "haunted castle/amphitheater" got here. Please read:
Starting October 1971 the Utah State Hospital started a "spook alley" titled the Haunted Castle, due to the stone structured amphitheater located behind the hospital in which the attraction was assembled. The Haunted Castle started off as a "closed" Halloween celebration event developed by the patients, but success with the activity eventually caused it to grow to a more public performance. The attraction was operated in a joint effort by patients and staff. Patient participation was a privilege and based on individual patient behavior and only those determined to be a minimal risk to themselves or others were allowed access to the public. Additionally many patients not able to interact with the public were allowed to help with construction/deconstruction of the facilities used for the spook alley. The Utah State Hospital used popularity from the event help raise public awareness of mental illness. All proceeds from the Haunted Castle went into the Utah State Hospital's recreational therapy program to subsidize improved activities that directly benefited the patients.
October 1997 was the final production put on by the State Hospital. The activity was permanently closed in an act of "Political Correctness" largely due to efforts by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) who objected to the activity because they felt it served to stereotype the patients by linking mental illness with monsters and violence in the public's mind. Several doctors, therapists, and patients at the hospital cited that the activity produced therapeutic results unachievable elsewhere which should be taken into account, but the Utah State Legislature determined that NAMI's objections were warranted.
Just for the record 1: Fuck the Utah State Legislature!
They are idiots and run on bias....God forbid they open their lives to 'the people' and become vulnerable enough to show that this happens in ALL families!
For the record 2: NAMI is a wonderful program and my family has benefited by their services for years. BUT, as a mother of a mentally ill child, I would be ecstatic for Jax to have the opportunity to be a part of such a fun, confidence building production. I assume most people who come to visit the "Haunted House" are aware of the disabilities of those who are hospitalized here. In some cases, maybe it makes the draw of "crazies running a haunted house" even that much more exhilarating/intense? But for those of us who love Jax and understand that he is NOT evil, would support his extension of artistic expression. Even I would go to support my son, which says a lot considering me and haunted houses DO NOT like each other!
[The last time I went to a haunted house was when I was 16.
I pee'd my pants in pure FEAR from being backed into a corner with JASON and his chainsaw!
In front of a boy that I LOVED!
Had no way to disguise it.
Traumatized forever!]
Education of mental illness is THE ONLY WAY TO stop the stereotypes.
NOT by halting a silly 'play' that benefits the minds of the mentally ill by proving that they can be creative, intelligent, purposeful, and find value in their expression.
Hmmmmmm....let's see:
Because people are stupid and throw rocks at glass houses due to religion/ignorance/asshole-ness.......
their judgment and opinion is more important than the disabled that don't always have a voice loud enough for all to hear???
Sounds pretty goddamn F'd UP to me!
Wouldn't education regarding many controversial subjects, douse our prejudices and judgement of another human being's way that they must live their life?!?!?
Every person you ridicule,
[ie: autism, homosexuality, physical defect, substance addicted, mental illness], because of your own ignorance,
is someone's child.
I am a mother of one of those children.
Would you want un-acceptance or hell cast-upon on your child from people who do not care enough to investigate or understand?
Take the step to learn.
There's my sermon for today.
We can move on now.
The day was glorious and the scenery was out of a movie.
An unexpected photo shoot was in the making.
I hug and love each one of these pics!
It's the little things captured that become large to our heart.

My mix-matched, hippie headed, mentally challenged,
heavily loved to the end......
Thank you for sharing that beautiful day with us. Seeing all of you smile and being together is what it's about.
The haunted castle looks so interesting. Would love to go on that adventure with Jax.
Loved the pictures!but where did Randy get that haircut or does it just look that short?
You all look good and happy
I had to take a double take at the first picture of C Pappy! At a quick glance it looked like he had a mohawk but then my eyeballs adjusted.
I absolutely love these pictures and the unified energy that they radiate. You are a beautiful family and I love you all dearly!
Man....this day was a long time coming! You guys needed that and I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the moment. We gotta take the good days and revel in them when we can :) You will have many more......I hope they come in right after the other now.
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